Car rental reservation request form

Instructions for filling out the car rental form

After completing this form, it is only "Appointment Application", not the appointment is completed, we will reply to you by email within 3 to 5 working days after your application.

  • Must be at least 20 years of age
  • Payment must be made using the rental person's own credit card, not a debit card
  • Rental and return must be at the same store
  • You can rent a car if you don't know Japanese, but only at selected shops and at the middle school level
  • Mobile roaming must be turned on for emergency contact
  • Appointments can be made up to one month in advance and as short as one week
  • Children under the age of 10 are prohibited

At present, Japan Rental819 reservation is free of deposit, and can be canceled free of charge according to customer needs (such as temporary cancellation due to emergencies, bad weather, etc., please be sure to notify the store with the reservation confirmation letter). However, this does not mean that canceling the order will not cause material loss and trouble; Moreover, each store has the final decision to rent and has the right to refuse any rental. Please carefully consider the time, rental period, car type, location of the rental car... Make another reservation, and do not cancel easily unless necessary, so as to avoid the trouble of the store staff and avoid leaving a bad impression on Hong Kong people. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Rental819 Rental Table Large (Honshu, Japan)

Rental 819 Rental Table Large Map (Okinawa Area)

Car rental reservation request form

Please note that the person filling in the form = the lessee = the driver, a person can only book one car, and the corresponding personal information is required to reserve multiple vehicles. The person collecting the car (renter) must be the person who swiped the card. For group registration, please be coordinated by one organizer, after collecting all the member information, fill in the form one by one, and remark "Walk with XXX" in the last column of this form, and the appointment return will be notified together. In addition, rental motorcycle insurance is only available to the lessee, so please do not exchange car fares for group trips to avoid problems with insurance claims in the event of an accident. *Passengers to be carried do not need to fill in.
Contact Email(Required)
Email is the main contact method for this appointment confirmation, please confirm that the filling in is correct (often fill in the wrong mailbox is not found, the result is too late to confirm the appointment) Please pay attention to the email address (including spam) after submission to avoid missing the reply.
YYYY slash MM slash DD
The tenant must be at least 20 years old, and under the age of 20 cannot rent.
Please fill in the "Full Japan Accommodation Address" instead of the hotel name, for emergency notification purposes only. (If you have several accommodations, please fill in the address of your Japanese accommodation before renting a car and returning the car.) )
Please add the country code (e.g. Hong Kong +852) before the phone. Please "be sure to turn on international roaming on your mobile phone" to avoid being unable to notify you in case of emergency, and so that we can contact you after you arrive in Japan. Please note that if you cannot contact us by phone, you will refuse to rent. (Generally, mobile roaming is enabled, as long as there is no dialing, there will be no charge, please rest assured, it is only for emergency contact.) )
Japanese language ability(Required)
If you don't know Japanese, you can rent a car, and you can have middle school English ability or above (there are limited rental shops). Please fill in according to the actual situation for the reference of service personnel.
English language proficiency(Required)
Please note that if you do not understand Japanese or English at all, you may have communication difficulties and refuse to rent. As long as you have English proficiency of secondary school or above, you can cope with simple conversations. (For secondary school level or above, please check "Easy English communication").
We can't guarantee that we'll get your first car, but we'll prioritize your car according to your expectations. Once the first wish vehicle has been booked, it cannot be changed, only the order can be cancelled and rescheduled, and this process takes seven working days to process. Therefore, please choose your car carefully to avoid causing trouble to local shop staff.
We can't guarantee that we'll get your first car, but we'll prioritize your car according to your expectations. Once the first wish vehicle has been booked, it cannot be changed, only the order can be cancelled and rescheduled, and this process takes seven working days to process. Therefore, please choose your car carefully to avoid causing trouble to local shop staff.
We can't guarantee that we'll get your first car, but we'll prioritize your car according to your expectations. Once the first wish vehicle has been booked, it cannot be changed, only the order can be cancelled and rescheduled, and this process takes seven working days to process. Therefore, please choose your car carefully to avoid causing trouble to local shop staff.
YYYY slash MM slash DD
As E-mail contact confirmation is required, reservations must be made at least one week in advance. Since the business hours and holidays vary by store (mostly AM10:00~PM07:00), we will confirm the date for you.
YYYY slash MM slash DD
Pick-up time(Required)
It is estimated that it will take about 30 minutes to pick up the car at the store, and if there are other customers at the same time, it will be served on the spot, so please reserve some buffer time in the itinerary planning to avoid affecting your travel itinerary.
Whether or not you have an international driver's license(Required)
Renters must have a valid international driver's license issued by the local government. At the same time, the driving license of the original country must be carried together, and the "passport + driving license + international driving license" can have complete legal effect.
Number of rental days(Required)

Please note that the return time must be during the operating hours of the rental shop, and cannot be rented or returned on closed days. After confirming your reservation, we will remind you of the store's closed days and opening hours. For rentals exceeding 24 hours, the unit of "every 24 hours = days" is based on the rental option of full days, and mixed rentals such as "2 days + 8 hours" are not available. The calculation method of one day is "what time to rent a car, what time to return the car the next day", so returning the car after the pick-up time on the rental day will require an additional rental period (the delay fee is more expensive). Please plan your trip in advance and reserve enough buffer time for the return procedure to avoid delays in returning the vehicle due to traffic jams, accidents, etc. (a delay fee will apply).
Emergency contact(Required)
Add the country code and contact only in case of emergency.
If you want to rent ETC cards, mobile phone holders, back boxes, etc., please fill in the items you want to add. If you want to communicate under special circumstances, please fill in here and will reply to you by e-mail. In addition, if you have any questions about your order after making a reservation, please contact us by replying to the "Reservation Confirmation E-mail". *For group customers, please fill in "Walk with XXX" here, and the group information will be processed when reporting the appointment contact, and the reply will be sent together. *New Chitose Airport, Narita Airport, and Fukuoka International Airport offer free pick-up service, so please fill in your arrival flight code, arrival time, boarding time, and number of passengers below.
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